~ Wild Word Web ~
Wild Word Web (WWW) is a phygital, philanthropic initiative that aims to cultivate the potential of web3 to harvest financial resources and positive action for wildlife conservation. The endangered animals and elements in each NFT are purposefully developed to sensitize our unhinged species about the realities of the broadly misunderstood, disregarded, and oppressed beings who share the Earth with us.
Everyone is invited to purchase, collect, and trade these NFTs. If you don't understand why or how to buy NFTs, check out the beginner's guide from NFT Evening to learn how things work. Feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any questions.
NFTs and related physical items are carefully crafted in Belo Horizonte, Brazil without random assembly or generative technologies. All designs follow four styles that call attention to specific matters chosen by the artist and feature animals on the Red List of Threatened species developed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This tool is used by researchers, policy makers, and activists around the globe to assess the likelihood of extinction of nearly 170,000 species catalogued to date. NFTs are listed for minting on OpenSea under two categories:
1. Alert
Pricing: fixed at 33 USDC
Fund allocation: IUCN Donation 50%, WWW t-shirt, print and stickers 50%*
Quantity: unique item per species
2. Ontem... Hoje! Amanhã?
Pricing: fixed at 25 USDC
Fund allocation: IUCN Donation 50%, WWW t-shirt 50%*
Quantity: varies depending on species' status to increase support base
Extinct in the wild: 1
Least concern: 2
Not evaluated or Data deficient: 3
Near threatened: 4
Vulnerable: 5
Endangered: 6
Critically endangered: 7
*benefit granted to an NFT's first buyer. Shipping fees apply. Subsequent NFT buyers will be able to purchase the WWW tee, stickers, and prints in January 2025. Those who choose to forego the physical benefit will earn exclusive NFT variants to mint the following month.
The pilot phase of this project will go live before the end of 2024 and will last approximately six months to test and optimize the flow of digital asset creation, transactions, and proper greenhouse gas offsets for estimated energy expenditures in the process. New NFTs will be released bi-weekly on Warpcast (casts), Instagram (posts) and Discord (events).
At the end of June 2025, the total amount raised by NFT trades will be disclosed on this website and 50% will be donated to the IUCN via their donation page.
* If you are unable or not interested in acquiring my artwork but still want to help endangered animals worldwide, you can make a donation directly to the IUCN using the link above.
Species Dossiers
Next species coming on march 10th